Nature // A Soul Not All Of Wood
shot during the album forest recording
Video Credits:
Making Off - Jacek Taszakowski
A Soul Not All of Wood
October 2019
Multikulti Records, PL
The forest longs for silence. This is its deep spiritual need, interrupted by the wind’s humming, bird song, insect bites and racing animals. When entering such space remember to nurture within you this noble prohibition: I forbid you to produce sound! There are no sounds on this record, only the pure consequence of being in the forest. Any sonic articulation is a violent act against silence. Any movement is heresy and any step means devastation of the green shrine which wants to exist forever. One can only say: “I am sorry, Forest. Forgive me.”
H.D.Thoreau lived in this world covered by trees. Let us praise him for all the thoughts that he put on paper - also from the forest- because those thoughts now return via this record, as an echo of what was a green wave, an outburst of freshness and concluding in the grandest of fade outs.
Michał Górczyński
Indeed Indeed
The Moon
To a March Hawk in the Spring
Epitaph on the World
I Knew a Man by Sight
All music composed by Michał Górczyński
Lyrics by Henry David Thoreau
Recorded in the forest of Muzeum Ziemi Otwockiej on 14th of June
Recorded, mixed, mastered by Piotr Rychlec Vivisound Studio
Cover design by Przemysław Kulczyk / Kulczyk Studio
Produced by Michał Górczyński and Tomasz Wiracki
Executive producer Tomasz Konwent